
I'm become a cashier in Toronto

我的 part time job 已經正式進入第四周啦!

老闆說呢,這周開始我練習當 cashier...要熟悉 POS 系統外,還要會跟客人 social...抬槓~然後介紹產品~^^"

其實說英文不難~真的!只是我好不會  social...還好傻笑是我的強項~只好靠這個走天下啦!

不過呀~Cashier 也是要幫忙洗杯子打掃的唷!最重要的是不能算錯錢~

繼續加油~Keep fighting!


My last day @ ILSC, Toronto

Today is my last in ILSC!
Yes, you are right, I have finish my study in Toronto! This class is one of my favorite class. It's sad that today's pictures I took with all of my classmates were disappear! ><

I just can find the picture I took with my teacher, Wendy, she is a nice teacher. I am very admire her. Anyway, hope all of my classmates would be happy and health here. I will miss u all!


Visit CTV

在 ILSC 上課三個多月,都沒什麼機會參加學校的 tour,難得辦了這個我很有興趣的 CTV 參訪~二話不說馬上去櫃檯報名啦!

這是個 Free 的 Tour,不過有名額限制~所以要先搶先贏唷!

Can Children Play video game?!

    Video games are more and more popular around us, especially attractive to the children. Some of these can be educational, some of these are role player games to let children to know other worlds, and some of these make people cooperate to achieve some goals together…etc. Although here are many benefits in video games, children still shouldn’t be allowed to play video games for long time.

    Some people say that video games can help children understand the real world which we are living. Have you ever thinks the world in the video games is really the same as the world we living, or just the game companies’ delusions? Besides this, sometimes video games demonstrate to children how to bully others. Then, children will have bad image to the world and also imitate to humiliate the people they don’t like.

    Many claim that video games can help children to get many friends in different places or countries. Some parents allowed their children to get new friends in the virtual world; even they have no time to do the homework. Most of them spent lots of time to play video games and meet people who have different backgrounds, but they have no time to understand their own culture or folk games. Moreover, they didn’t have interactive with their family or classmates in the real world; they may forget how to communicate with people in the real world one day.

    Many experts say video games just a way to reflect the real world. But, in fact, some of the stories in the video games are not real happened around the world. These may conduct children to structure a wrong world in their brain and they may also learn the wrong system of values.  In another way, some people also argue that the video games can improve the children’s interpersonal relationship. On the contrary, children spent too much time in virtual world would forget how to connect and communicate with real person.

    Many parents always think that let children play video games could reduce the troubles which children made. But we need to notice that children spend too much time on video games would have misunderstandings and ignorant to the world we are living, and they even have no ability to chat with real people or express their real feeling and thinking to others. So, let children to spend too much time on video games would have potential threats to children is a very important knowledge to parents.



默默地希望時間能過得更快一點,早點回到台灣跟大家團聚,當然,我也祝福所有人中秋節快樂! I miss you all~

To all of my lovely friends and family: 
Happy Mid-Autumn Fest.


The connection between human and nature

    According to the environment change and climate warming, more and more kinds of animal becoming extinct. Some of these animals are just only native primates living in some place. So, lots of governments make laws to protect these animals which live in their countries. One of the animals in Taiwan is “Formosan rock macaque”, and you also can call it “Formosan rock monkey” or “Taiwanese macaque”.

    In Taiwan, people can’t kill or hurt the “Formosan rock monkey” even the monkeys bring lots of troubles to human. Actually, here are more than 600,000 Taiwanese macaques in South of Taiwan, and we can hear some news of the disasters from the macaques. The macaques not only eat bananas but also have interesting in eating human’s food. Sometimes, we can find some rock monkeys eat crops and damage the farms, and all of these let the farmers have troubles to make money. That is a big lesson for the farmers to find out how to face the monkeys.

    One of the universities in Kaohsiung was also disturbed by “Taiwanese macaques.” More and more students complained to school about their food always disappear in dorm rooms and sometimes. After investigating, the school found that the monkeys always went into the students’ dorm rooms to steal the food, for example, fruit, cakes, and cookies…etc. In the investigating video, the macaques were so smart to use their hands to open the window and find out where the food is.

   The numbers of “Formosan rock macaques” are more than human in some villages. In order to avoid these wild conservations’ harass, some people live in the villages tried to make some sounds of firecrackers to scare them. The monkeys were very smart because after once or twice they heard the noise, they know that wouldn't hurt them anymore. Then, they still submerged the house and pillaged the food from human.

    It is a big war between human and wildlife conservations. How to protect them and not to harm human’s life is very hard. Maybe this situation would become a question to us, and we can suggest the government to discuss how to maintain the connection and balance between human and natural.


秋訪 St.Lawrence Market

冬天的腳步就要跟著秋末逼近了,最近的氣溫都在 10 度上下,好害怕之後下雪就沒辦法到處趴趴走了,所以一定要趁著天氣好的時候,快點外出走走呀!

所以今天和 Isra 一起又去逛了逛 St. Lawrence Market 啦~


Day 100@Toronto

不知不覺,到 Toronto 的日子已經滿 100 天了!
老師放了一部很不錯的電影 "Into the wild",中文叫做"阿拉斯加之死"。

記錄的是年輕人的不自量力?! 還是勇於挑戰自己?! or Both~

課程即將邁入尾聲! Toronto 的秋天也在這週悄然靠近~
2013/9/13(五) 最低溫度只有 6 度~
OMG! 我只希望冬天別太早來! 然後我的身體可以負荷~


之前 interview 通過之後,老闆就請我隔天開始去受訓!

在 training 期間,只能領到法定基本工資的半薪,其實這樣規定是不合理的,但看在之後考試通過後可以領全薪,也是合理的基本工資,雖然要扣稅也還OK,所以就咬著牙撐過去了!



Disney Store Open @ Toronto Eaton Center

前幾個禮拜就在 Toronto 當地居民口中流傳不已的 Big News...是的!Disney Store 幾年前從 Eaton Center 撤櫃後,即將捲土重來~就要在這個星期開幕啦~~~

既然在這個城市生活,就一定要跟上流行啦!下課就衝去 Eaton center 看一看啦~^^


YES! I got a job in Toronto!

因為昨天就收到之前投遞履歷的店家請我今天去 interview,所以今天看完 TIFF ,就請 Isra 陪我一起去 interview,雖然只是飲料店,但是因為在 downtown,其實也有很多機會可以練習到英文的,也抱持著試試看的心情,就去和老闆聊聊魯!


真開心!找到工作啦~也沒有白白浪費我之前辛苦申請的 Working Permit 啦~讓生活有點體驗也不錯魯,勇敢接受挑戰吧!Fighting!

2013 TIFF@Toronto

9/5~9/15 是多倫多影展期間,昨天天氣不好已經浪費一天在家了,今天天氣不錯,所以一定要出來走走!

在 King St. 這條影展的主要街道,果然看到不少 SNG 車和記者連線,但我都沒看到明星~><~


King St. 上滿滿的花籃~和 TIFF 相呼輝映~真的好美!


Visit Little Italy @ Toronto

今天是到 Toronto 生活的第 93 天,剛好今天也是可愛的日本同學 Nasumi 最後一堂課~所以大家下課後就跟她拍了合照做紀念~^^

今天還有一件很重要的事情喔!我要去新認識的多倫多新移民~美珍的家! 她的男朋友是來自 Quebec 的加拿大人唷~好開心喔!第一次拜訪洋人的家耶~


Visit Osgood and The Highest Court in Ontario

天朗氣清的下課午後,到學校附近的最高法院還有 Osgood hall 去走走吧! Osgood 是 1829~1830 年間建立的建築物,也算是多倫多的重要地標,1979 年已經通過成為世界文化遺產。

進去參觀要通過安檢,所以為了避免麻煩,千萬不要帶美工刀、剪刀之類的東西喔! 裡面有個很古典的圖書館~若有時間很值得一看!


AGO 的藝文體驗

AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario,中譯:安大略美術館) 是 Toronto 的重要景點之一,成立於 1900 年,至今已超過 100 年了,位置就坐落在 Downtown Toronto,非常接近 Chinatown,整個建築物相當具有藝術色彩,裡面蒐羅了來自歐洲、美加等地的藝術品,藏品超過四萬件,是北美洲第八大藝術博物館,既然生活在這裡,就一定要來逛一逛魯!

今天,是到多倫多生活的第 91 天,即將滿三個月的前夕,特別趁著安大略美術館每週三免費的日子,前來參觀! 可惜最想看的 Ai Wei wei 是特展區,要另外付費~沒辦法進去參觀,但是裡面滿多值得一看的画作~就放上來跟大家分享了!~^^



Toronto 上學的這段日子,發現他們真的滿多假期的,幾乎每個月都會遇到一次國定假日,而且幾乎都是星期一,所以幾乎每四周就會遇到一個 long weekend,而夏天的 Toronto 也是活動多多,繼上禮拜的台灣文化節活動後,這禮拜是巴西文化節!

主要的活動地點是在 Toronto City Hall 前的 Philip Square,而另外在 Waterfront 的表演場所也有南美音樂祭,既然是 long weekend,我就兩個都去聽聽啦!

先來看看的是離 downtown 比較近的 City Hall,City Hall 的歷史甚麼的,之前有介紹過啦,就不再多做說明了,不過今天來我有拍到一個很特別的東西喔!據說 Philip Square 的拱門下,有一塊大石頭是從柏林圍牆搬過來的,作為拱門的基石之一,也是象徵支持突破鐵幕與自由,所以今天既然過來就順便拍一下魯!
